RAGE por Christopher R. Witherspoon

Y a continuación Christopher R. Witherspoon nos informa sobre su película de terror RAGE.

RAGE, a raw-nerv e, horror-suspense film from independent filmmaker
Christopher R. Witherspoon combines a compelling story with nail biting action. The
film is heav ily influenced by the 1970’s mov ie classic “Duel” by Stev en Spielberg and
Witherspoon’s ow n personal demons. Set in Portland OR, RAGE deliv ers an ex plosiv e
and controv ersial action packed thriller. It features Christopher R. Witherspoon along
with a cast of fresh-new talented actors that includes Rick Crawford, in the films lead
role with Audrey Walker, M.L. Maltz, Jo Black-Jacob, Anna Lodej, Richard Topping
and Spencer Conway. RAGE is written for the screen and directed by Christopher R.
Witherspoon, produced by Shawn Smith and Darrell Smith, executiv e produced by
Suzanne Mitchell and Joe Shore and chief executiv e produced by Cheryl L. Waters.

The story begins w hen Dennis Twist (CRAWFORD) a 30-something man w ho
liv es in a nice “Spielbergian” suburb just outside Portland says goodbye to his
beautiful and lov ing wife, Crystal (WALKER) and heads into tow n. There he
unintentionally prov okes the wrath of a mysterious motorcyclist, “The Biker”
(WITHERSPOON). The confrontation between the two sets in-motion a daylong battle
of cat and mouse. Beginning in the form of harmless taunts then quickly escalating
into something more serious and then… into something unimaginable. The film
concludes in an extremely v iolent rampage that unfortunately spills ov er into the liv es
of others, Clancy (MALTZ) and Eleanor (BLACK-JACOB). The film simultaneously seeks to
redefine w hat is scary in current American cinema w hile it delv es into existential
questions about karma and the v ery contemporary issue of infidelity and its ultimate
destruction of the family unit.

RAGE is the story of a man w ho unknowingly prov okes the wrath of a
dark, mysterious, homicidal motorcyclist and must fight for his v ery life.

RAGE tells the story of Dennis Twist, a suburban, 30-something w ho
unintentionally prov okes the wrath of a mysterious and homicidal motorcycle
rider. The confrontation with “The Biker” escalates into a daylong battle of cat
and mouse concluding in an extremely v iolent rampage.


About the Production

Christopher R. Witherspoon's Rage
Written by David Walker

The words “inspired by true ev ents” will nev er be used in connection
with the suspense horror film RAGE because, as filmmaker Christopher Witherspoon
is quick to point out, the mov ie is entirely a work of fiction. At the same time,
Witherspoon freely admits that he drew heav ily from his ow n personal
ex periences w hile making the film. RAGE was a product of the professional and
personal mistakes that I hav e made,” ex plains Witherspoon. “Some directors
might choose to deal with those mistakes by making a mov ie like “Ordinary
People”, but I hav e no interest in that. I don’t want to make people cry. I want
to scare hell out of them.”

Inspired by such 1970s thrillers as Stev en Spielberg’s Duel and John
Carpenter’s Halloween with a sprinkling of Witherspoon’s ow n personal demons,
RAGE is a gritty, disturbing portrait of the v iolence that can quickly transform the
American dream into a nightmare. Rick Crawford stars as Dennis Twist, a thirty-
something writer liv ing w hat appears to be an idyllic life in the suburbs,
complete with a lov ing wife, Crystal (Audrey Walker). But for all that he has
going for him, Dennis liv es in a self-absorbed world w here the feelings of other
people nev er quite enter his mind. In w hat at first appears to be a random
encounter in a dow ntow n Portland parking lot with a mysterious motorcyclist
soon becomes something much more. “That’s w hen the fun really begins,” says
Witherspoon, w ho also co-stars as The Biker, an ominous figure dressed in black
w ho nev er remov es his helmet or utters a single word. Harmless taunts from the
Biker quickly turns dangerous, and before long it is clear that things are only
going to keep getting worse. Soon, Dennis is fighting for his life against a madman
bent on his destruction.

“In making RAGE, I wanted to help redefine w hat is scary in current
American horror cinema,” says Witherspoon, ex plaining that most contemporary
horror films are about teenagers in the woods, or a supernatural force that can’t
be ex plained. By contrast, RAGE seeks to show that horrific things can happen to
anyone, anyw here, anytime—ev en in the seemingly safe confines of middle-
class suburbia. Part of w hat giv es the film its intensity is the fact that it shows how
fragile the American Dream can be, and how the actions of one person can
tragically affect the liv es of others. Ev en more disturbing is that the v ictims of The
Biker’s deadly rampage are actually the v ictims of Dennis’ self-absorbed
actions. This unique spin allowed Witherspoon to ex plore “existential questions
about karma,” w hile hiding behind a blood-splattered façade.

Filmed in Portland, Oregon, RAGE is the culmination of Witherspoon’s
lifetime lov e and dev otion to mov ies. Hav ing cut his teeth with the Super 8
camera his parents bought for him, Witherspoon immersed himself in the world of
low-budget independent filmmaking. While still in his teens he worked as a
production assistant on such films as “Ghost Soldiers”, “Angel”, and “Hollywood
Vice Cop”. Always a huge fan of horror mov ies, he managed to persuade John
Carl Buechler, head of MMI Effects, to giv e him a job, leading to effects work on
the films “Re-Animator”, “Troll”, “From Beyond” and many others.


Teaser Trailer RAGE


Website RAGE


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